lang.detectedAs=We changed your language to %langName, do you want to keep it like this? lang.keep=Keep %langName lang.toEn=Switch to English ui.loading=Loading... ui.logout=Log out ui.urlChangeDetected=URL change detected ui.hashchange=The URL has been changed. Do you want to reload the page and start a new session? This will clear your current session. Audio navbar.settings=Settings navbar.debug=Debug navbar.premium=premium navbar.upgradeRequired=Upgrade required navbar.isPlaying=Playing music menu home.confirmLoginHeader=Welcome back! home.confirmLoginBody=Are you trying to login as %player?
If you are not, please close this window. home.confirmLoginButton=Start audio session home.confirmLoginWithVoicechat=Start session with VoiceChat home.activate=Activate session home.activateText=This is personal webpage will be used to play your audio and voice throughout your visit. Please click anywhere on this page to get started. home.clickAnywhere=Click anywhere to get started home.activateHeader=Click here to connect home.welcome=Welcome, %player! home.header=Welcome to our audio client! keep this page open to experience our in-game music and effects. You can get back here any time during your session to change your volume and settings. home.volumeContext=This slider controls the volume of in-game music and effects. You can also use
/volume <volume>
to change your volume from in game at any time, or just set it to 0 to mute it momentarily. home.audioControls=Audio controls home.notificationsTitle=Notifications home.notificationsEmpty=You don't have any notifications at the moment vc.badClient=VoiceChat requires a web client served over HTTPS, please update your base URL to use HTTPS and/or setup valid SSL certificates. vc.notCompatible=Your browser does not support voice chat. Please use a modern (desktop) browser like Chrome, Safari, etc. vc.voiceModerationEnabled=This server has moderation enabled. Select staff may be listening in while your mic is active. vc.notice=Notice vc.startingPopupTitle=Logging into voice chat... vc.startingPopup=Please wait while we get you setup with a voice server... hold on tight, this shouldn't take too long. vc.reloadingPopupTitle=Reloading voice system! vc.reloadingPopup=Please wait while voice chat gets restarted to apply your new settings... This shouldn't take long vc.updatingMicPopupTitle=Updating microphone! vc.updatingMicPopup=Please wait while voice chat gets restarted with your new microphone... This shouldn't take long vc.micErrorPopupTitle=Microphone error vc.micErrorPopup=Something went wrong while trying to access your microphone. Please press "allow" when your browser asks you for microphone permissions, or visit the wiki for more information. vc.disabled=VoiceChat has temporarily been disabled by %serverName vc.title=Proximity Voice Chat vc.boardingTitle=VoiceChat onboarding vc.onboarding=This server has support for Proximity Voice Chat, which allows you to talk with players within a %range block radius. Would you like to enable this feature and give access to your microphone? vc.settings=VoiceChat settings vc.muteMic=Mute Microphone vc.unmuteMic=Unmute Microphone vc.input=Input Device vc.aboutInput=Select the microphone you want to use, changing this will cause your session to restart. vc.positionalAudio=Positional Audio vc.aboutPositionalAudio=Render a 360 degree soundscape, allowing positional awareness with voices. vc.settingsDisable=Disable vc.settingsEnablePositionalAudio=Enable Positional Audio vc.settingsDisablePositionalAudio=Disable Positional Audio vc.automaticAdjustments=Adjust sensitivity automatically vc.sensitivity=Noise Gate vc.aboutSensitivity=Configure the noise gate of your microphone, this will automatically mute your microphone when you're not talking. Fully to the left will disable the noise gate, fully to the right will mute your microphone all the time. vc.peerTable=connected to {total} players, {talking} talking vc.toggleMicrophone=Toggle Microphone vc.safetyTitle=For your safety vc.safetyDisclaimer=You'll receive in-game messages when people appear and leave your voice chat range, and you'll be able to view a list of people who you can hear (and can hear you in turn), and mute them if desired. OpenAudioMc relies on your server to handle moderation and handle reports of abuse when necessary. Please contact a member of staff if you have any questions or concerns. vc.safetyFooter=Want some privacy? you can mute your microphone at any time by running
or holding
shift + F
in game, or alternatively by pressing the button on this web page.
vc.join=Join Voice Chat vc.empty.title=Nobody speaking around you! vc.empty.body=No one speaks around you, but other players might hear you if you're not mute. vc.muteMicrophone=Mute vc.unmuteMicrophone=Unmute vc.myStatus=Your own microphone status vc.hero.title=Welcome to VoiceChat! vc.hero.subtitle=This is your voice chat dashboard, here you can see who is in range of your voice, and who you can hear. You can also mute people if you don't want to hear them. vc.statusTitle=My status vc.settings.globalVolumeTitle=General VoiceChat volume vc.settings.surround.toggle=Surround sound vc.settings.globalVolumeAbout=Change the master volume of all your VoiceChat peers vc.settings.completelyFadePeers=Fade volume out completely over distance vc.settings.monitoring.title=Microphone Monitoring (listen to yourself) vc.operaWarning=Your login seems to be taking a while, this is most likely due to your Opera settings. Please open your browser settings, search for "WebRTC" and select the enable-all option vc.youAreModerating=Watch out! you are now a moderator, you can now hear everyone in voice chat but they can't hear you. vc.noMicInputYetTitle=We're having trouble hearing you! vc.noMicInputYetBody=Please make sure that you have the correct microphone selected, or try lowering your noise gate. vc.peersHiddenTitle=Voicechat players are hidden vc.peersHiddenText=This server has disabled the ability to see who is in voice chat to prevent unfair advantages, you can still hear them though. vc.isTalking=is talking vc.people=people vc.person=person vc.deafened=You are currently deafened vc.tooltip.local=Proximity Voice Chat Voice Chat vc.peerLoading=Loading {name} settings.voicechat.echocancel.title=Echo cancellation settings.voicechat.echocancel.body=This will attempt to cancel out any echo that your microphone picks up, this is useful if you're using speakers instead of headphones but may make your harder to hear on some platforms. settings.voicechat.echocancel.button=Enable echo cancellation settings.voicechat.chimes.title=VoiceChat Chimes settings.voicechat.chimes.body=Chimes are the little sounds that play whenever you mute/unmute your microphone. Content creators may want to turn this off. settings.voicechat.chimes.button=use chimes settings.theme.title=Dark mode settings.theme.body=Use the (default) dark mode of this web client settings.theme.button=dark mode settings.voicechat.peer.title=Peer Notifications settings.voicechat.peer.body=Receive desktop notifications whenever someone enters or leaves your voice chat range settings.voicechat.peer.button=enable notifications settings.mix-and-fade.title=Automatic music mixing settings.mix-and-fade.body=Automatically cross-fade and mix audio sources settings.mix-and-fade.button=Enable mixing settings.preload.title=Automatically preload audio files settings.preload.body=With this enabled, OpenAudioMc will automatically preload files that are often used around your in-game location. This will make audio more responsive, but uses more data. settings.preload.button=Enable preloading settings.rolloff.title=3D Audio Rolloff settings.rolloff.body=This controls the amount of dampening applied to 3D audio based on distance. The 0% is no dampening, the 100% is full dampening. This applies to both speakers and voice chat. settings.rolloff.01=1% (minimal) settings.rolloff.5=50% settings.rolloff.8=80% settings.rolloff.1=100% (normal) settings.rolloff.12=120% settings.rolloff.15=150% (extreme) settings.language.title=Language settings.language.body=Select your preferred language settings.distancemodel.title=Audio volume over distance settings.distancemodel.body=Define which algorithm should be used to reduce the volume of the audio source as the listener moves away from it. settings.distancemodel.linear=Linear settings.distancemodel.exponential=Exponential settings.spatial.title=Spatial rendering engine settings.spatial.body=Select what rendering engine you'd like to use. The modern engine is of higher quality and a bit faster, but requires a modern browser. settings.spatial.modern=Accurate settings.spatial.legacy=Legacy (old system) settings.interpolation.title=Location smoothing settings.interpolation.body=Automatically smooth movements to minimize speaker/voicechat stuttering while walking. This adds extra movement delay, but sounds better. settings.interpolation.button=Enable smoothing network.serverUnhealthy={serverName}'s connection to OpenAudioMc is unstable, client functionality may be limited until the connection is restored. tooltip.close=Close